Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Easy Peasy Jam!!

Okay, so recently made jam and it went down a storm!! This recipe is really tasty as I had one of my toughest critics taste little brother and it got the thumbs up. :)

What You Will Need
  • 400g Strawberries (Or any other fruit you would like to use)
  • 400g Granulated Sugar
  • Jam Jar (or any other jar you have)
  • Cold saucer

What Do I Do?

  • Ensure that your jam jar is clean by washing it in water soapy water then rinsing it under water. Place a saucer in the freezer.
  • Place the strawberries and sugar in a saucepan and heat on a low setting whilst stirring to allow the sugar to dissolve. On a low heat this will prevent the sugar sticking to the pan. 
  • Bring the fruit mixture to a rapid boil, where the bubbles can't be tamed when it's being stirred. Boil for 3-5 minutes, until the jam has reached setting point (the jam will bubble slower and become thicker), to test this, take the saucer out of the freezer, remove the saucepan from the heat and take a teaspoon amount from the saucepan and place on the saucer, leave for a few minutes, if the jam wrinkles then the jam is at the setting point. If the jam hasn't reached setting point, return to the heat and allow it to bubble for 1-2 minutes more before repeating the same process.
  • Pour the jam into the jar and place and twist the lid on whilst the jam is still hot, this will seal the jar and when you open the jar, it will make the 'POP' noise (one of my favourite noises :)) Allow the jam to cool completely before opening the jar. The jam will also thicken as it cools. 
  • Voila! Your very own easy peasy jam!

I hope you enjoy your jam and leave comments below to let me know how your jam went. 

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